Monday, February 4, 2013

My new obsession {Skinny Water}

This weekend seemed to fly by, yea? Friday night we worked on sprucing up the living room in the apartment - there was a lot of spray paint and glitter invading our place! It turned out exactly as we had hoped {eeeek!!!!}... don't worry, there will be pictures and DIY posts in the future! Y'all, I glitterized a bunny {a ceramic one, don't worry} and it turned out AHHHHMAZING!! 

Anywho, on with skinny water...

This little concoction goes by many names...detox water and sassy water are the two most common. But for some reason I started calling it Skinny Water... so I made up a new name, whatevs. 

It's beyond simple to make, extremely refreshing, and after drinking it for a week I can honestly say - I can tell a difference. I typically drink a lot of water throughout the day anyways, so switching normal water out with this wasn't hard at all. After just drinking this for one day I felt less bloated and more hydrated. That's a win-win in my book!

1 lemon
1/2 cucumber
10-12 mint leaves
2 qt water

Grab a 2 qt pitcher {or adjust the ingredients for whatever size pitcher you have and your little taste buds} and put the sliced lemon, sliced cucumber, and mint leaves in the bottom. Fill the rest of the way with water then let it infuse overnight. Easy peezy lemon squeezy!

The original recipe for this called for more lemon - but I'm not crazy about lemon water so I just kept it at one - and it still works. 

If your curious about why this works so well in reducing bloating/water weight - this article I found on cucumber water explains a lot of it's benefits!

Happy Monday, lovelies!

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