Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Spa Day... AT home! {Yes, please!}

So who watched The Bachelor last night? If so I'm sure you'll appreciate these classy quotes from the one and only Tierra! 
"I can't control my eyebrow!!" 
"I have a sparkle!"
"I'm just so sensitive and have such a big heart..."
Blah, blah, blah... she was good at manipulation, I'll give the girl that. But I can't say I was sad to see her go, I was glad Sean finally saw the light of day. I'm really pulling for Des {although it doesn't look like her brother is from the clips of next week...!}.

Anyways... a couple weeks ago I was emailed by Michelle, she runs a spa in NY and wanted to share some at home DIY spa treatments with my readers... and who wouldn't love that? And being a couple days before Valentine's Day... what better time?!

At-Home Spa Day

What woman would turn down a day at the spa? Most likely, no one. A day at the spa is something most of us dream of however. Running errands, taking care of the kiddos and working away are typical days for many women, give or take any of those things. Finding time to relax with a cup of coffee may seem like a task in itself, let a lone time to pamper our selves.

However, if you need a reason better than anything else to spend a little extra time rejuvenating your muscles or exfoliating your skin here it is: the right combinations of herbs and fruits also help stimulate the immune system. Now, we all know flu season is upon us and worse than EVER.  Take a few minutes one of these days create a ‘spa day’ for yourself- or even you and your special someone since Valentines Day is right around the corner- its simple, cheap and full of health benefits. Not to mention it’s sure to be relaxing.

Do-It-Yourself facial: When your skin becomes dehydrated and chafed, the best remedy is a luxurious facial. In a blender, blend a about ¼ cup cold cream, 1 tsp honey, ½ cup yogurt, ½ of an avocado and 1 tsp of aloe vera gel. After concoction is well mixed, spread the mixture on your face. Let the mask dry for around 15 to 20 minutes, and then rinse. Your skin will now feel rejuvenated. 

Do-It-Yourself body scrub: Body scrubs are one of the most popular treatments enjoyed at spas. Thankfully, they are easy to make yourself. To make a body scrub, combine regular sugar, or dark brown sugar if you have sensitive skin, and oil. You can use baby oil, coconut oil or any kind of oil you prefer. The scrub requires one part oil to two parts sugar. Start with a few tablespoons of sugar and half that amount of oil. For a divinely smelling scrub and ultimate healing power, add a few drops of lavender essential oil into the mixture.  Apply the scrub in small circular motions apply a fair amount of pressure, just enough to be sure its going to exfoliate your skin. To rinse, take a warm shower!

Fruit Infused Mineral Water
Water is full of vitamins and minerals, but by adding some fruit and herbs you will be adding extra vitamins and minerals that would not be getting otherwise. Try this Ginger Pear water. The combination of the two includes “preventative juicy gems” that are good for the immune system and packed with anti- inflammatory properties. Steep one gallon of water with 10 thin sliced pears, ½ cup of ginger (pealed and sliced), for six hours. Strain the water through a fine mesh strainer. Garnish with a few slices of pear and ginger. Enjoy!  

Put it All Together
Now, take one, two or all three of these ideas and create the ultimate spa experience in the comfort of your won home. The body scrub, facial blend and water are all cheap and easy to make, even when done together. This could be the perfect way to save money and spend some time relaxing with your loved one valentines day, or just getting some good quality ‘me time’ that we all so desperately need more of! Either way, you will feel good and look great after just a few extra minutes of pampering!

Michelle has provided these tips in hopes to inspire others to treat themselves like royalty for a day, (or for fifteen minutes). You’ll find Michelle spending most of her days at Skana Spa, a luxurious spa in upstate New York, where she works. Michelle enjoys helping others, learning about beauty and fashion, healthy living and the occasional indulgence in the sweet treats she bakes!

I'd like to thank Jac for giving me this wonderful opportunity to share my ideas on her site. I was first drawn to "Nora & Jac" because of its simplistic feel and found her posts to be so relatable. After reading more about her and talking with her briefly, I have found her to be an easy going, caring person who takes pride in what she does - just like me!  I hope you enjoy these recipes! 
- Michelle

I don't know about y'all but I think I'm going to have to try some of these recipes ASAP! Have you tried any at home spa treatments?

Happy Tuesday, lovelies!

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